Shabbat Service / Simchat Torah Friday, October 25 | 7:05 PM Join Rabbi Reznick and Avishai Sol, piano accompanist Lisa Edwards andDJ Michael Ian Kaufmann for a special Shabbat Simchat Torah service. Come in-person to Kol Ami or watch us online on our YouTube channelor on our temple website. Purchase a prayerbook, Mishkan Tefillah, available inprint or inkindle versions.
Torah Study Wednesdays, beginning October 23 | 7:00 PM | on Zoom Join Rabbi Reznick and congregation Kol Ami as we start the Torah over again. Beginning on October 23rd we will study Torah together on Wednesday evenings at 7pm online. Please register for the zoom link. On October 23rd we'll study Parshat Breishit - the first Torah portion in the Bible that is all about new beginnings.Sign Up
A Talk With Shai De Luca Tuesday, October 29 | 7:00 PM Long before the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023 Interior Designer and TV personality Shai DeLuca was a tireless supporter, educator and advocate using his platform to combat Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism around the world. Since the attacks, many of our community members ask ‘what can we do?’ Join us for an inspiring conversation with Shai about the far greater importance that these forms of advocacy represent. More Information
Planes, Trains & Automobiles Saturday. November 2 | 7:00 PM Join the Open Yad Project and Congregation Kol Ami for an intergenerational movie night at our temple! We will be enjoying this Thanksgiving classic. Put on your comfy clothes and get into the holiday spirit with this classic romp! There is a $5 suggested donation to help cover the cost of movie snacks. Please feel free to bring a dessert to share! Register here
A Taste of Judaism Sundays November 3, 10 and 17 | 9:00 AM Do you have a friend or family member that always wanted to learn about Judaism? Tell them about Kol Ami's Taste of Judaism course. This Free 3 session class begins on Sunday November 3 at 9am. Join us online for an engaging class on the basics of Judaism. Register here
Monthly Meeting Thursday, November 7 | 7:00 PM | Zoom A Jewish 12-Step Meeting on zoom takes place on the first Thursday of every month from 7:00 - 8:30PM. Zoom Link will be provided with registration. For more details contact event host Avi de Turenne.
The Men of Kol Ami and Steve Addison, MOKA / Event Chair, invite the entire community -all genders and ages- to see the award-winning Mother/SON… “No One comes out alone” Starring Emmy-nominated writer/performer Jeffrey Solomon
We keep the following members in our healing prayers: Aaron Aronow, Michael Becker, Bryce Linsenmayer, Andrew Ogilvie, Tobi Rosen, Ivan Rosenberg, Richard Ross, Lowell Selvin, Miles Senn,Henry Somerfeld, Steve Weiss, Gib Winebar