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My Torah

Rabbi Lindy Reznick

It is not an easy time or a moment in history to be Jewish. In this week's torah portion Moses outlines 5 principle demands for people to follow in order to ensure that they thrive once they enter the land. (Parashat Eikev)      Read more...

Sacred Partnerships

Rabbi Lindy Reznick

Moses, a great teacher, a great leader, realizes when his time has come to offer his last gift, he needs to take the time to drash, to offer words of meaning, D'varim.  Moses reminds us of sacred partnerships that are needed in order to realize our dreams. (Parashat D'varim)        Read more...

What Journey Do You Want To Take On?

Rabbi Lindy Reznick

Traveling often reminds us gently (and sometimes not so gently) to hand over control. It allows us to be delighted by new sights and sounds, it beckons us to *be* in the present moment (Torah Portion Matot-Mas-ei)    



Seeing With The Heart

Rabbi Lindy Reznick

The magic of young children is that they see things clearly, and often they have less of a filter and they speak from their hearts. In this week's portion we read about five women who see the world with their heart. They have the courage to speak up to authority so they might bring about a better society. (Parashat Pinchas)      Read more...

Communal Leaders

Rabbi Lindy Reznick

How does Miriam use her role as profit. Miriam and her well have been capturing the imagination of Jewish dreamers for centuries. (Torah Portion Chukat / July 12, 2024)      Read more...

Kadima! New Beginning at Kol Ami

Rabbi Lindy Reznick

"In order to do the holy work of building a community we must first put or egos aside. We must find humility and work together peacefully." (Torah Portion Korach / July 5, 2024)

  So who is Kol Ami? We are the voice of our people, Kol Ami. We are the West Hollywood Reform Congregation. We are the hands of God. We are the hearts and the souls touched by queer experience. We are straight friends and allies who care about...Read more...

Speaking Truth to Power

Rabbi Max Chaiken

I’ve always had a soft spot for Jonah the prophet. It probably started the day my parents gave me my Hebrew name—mosheh yonah, or Moses Jonah, and it grew throughout my life for good reason: It’s a fantastical story—fleeing God’s word, tossed to the sea, swallowed by a whale, and still he survives to complain about his success! The chutzpah!Read more...

We Are More Than Our Mistakes

Rabbi Denise L. Eger

On Apologies

Rabbi Denise L. Eger

Sermon by Rabbi Denise L. Eger ~ Kol Nidre 5780 on Apologies   Read more

  It’s never too late to apologize. To say I am sorry. It may take many years to do so. And it may take many years for us to receive an apology for an insult, or wrong done to us.   Here’s a story about just that. It appeared in the Oregonian, Portland’s newspaper and tonight I share it with you in hopes that it inspires you to think...Read more...

Fighting Truth Decay

Rabbi Max Chaiken

Sermon for Rosh Hashanah Morning 5780, Rabbi Max Chaiken

Shanah tovah! A great sage once said that “the truth… is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.” That sage was not Rabbi Akiva, or Rabbi Yohanan; not even our great sage Hillel. No, that sage was in fact the wizard Albus Dumbledore, who spoke these words to Harry Potter at the end of The Sorcerer’s Stone. “The truth…...Read more...
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785