eKoleinu Weekly: Shabbat Awakening / B'nei Mitzvah Service This Weekend
08/14/2024 05:32:11 PM
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Aogust 14, 2024 | eKoleinu | 10 Av 5784
Dear Kol Ami,
It was so lovely to meet so many of you last Friday night at our roof deck oneg after services. We were grateful to be gathered together enjoying a delicious donated meal for all of us. Know that we hope to plan more wonderful experiences on our rooftop for us to gather together. If you are interested in helping this happen by sponsoring a roof deck oneg please reach out to Adam in the office and let him know. Thank you again to B. Daniel Blatt for the generous donation of Mediterranean food for our special meet and greet.
Tisha B’av, which we commemorated Monday night, was a day of reflection, grief and loss. It was so lovely meeting so many of you online. Kudos to our own Nancy Cohen who gave an incredible dvar trope on Eicha: The Book of Lamentations. I am so grateful for her support and partnership in this incredible experience.
This Friday I invite you to join me, Lisa Edwards and Joshua Finkel for a healing service at Kol Ami. Our Friday night service we will focus on healing melodies and prayers. We invite you to be with us for a shabbat of soothing melodies and calming presence.
Exciting things are brewing as we plan our High Holiday preparation month, Elul. Information will be coming out soon about Elul learning opportunities as we prepare for the High Holiday season and begin to turn towards a new year.
Love & Blessings,
Rabbi Lindy Reznick
Senior Rabbi, Congregation Kol Ami.
Shabbat Service Friday, August 16 | 7:05 PM Join Rabbi Reznick and piano accompanist Lisa Edwards with music arrangement by Joshua Finkel, in-person at Kol Ami or online on our YouTube channelor on our temple website. Purchase a prayerbook, Mishkan Tefillah, available inprint or inkindle versions.
B'nei Mitzvah Service Saturday, August 17 | 10:00 AM Join Rabbi Reznick and Rabbi Podolsky at Kol Ami for a very special Shabbat Awakening service as we celebrate the completion of our Adult B'nei Mitzvah class, and honor the students as they become B' mitzvahed.Click here to sign up to watch this event on Zoom
MOKA Annual Summer Pool Party Sunday, August 18 | 1:00 PM Men of Kol Ami's annual pool party at Don Klein's house. Bring friends. a towel and sunscreen and enjoy a relaxed, casual, fun day of sun and swimming, drinks, and dining. Register here >
Lunch and Learn Wednesday, August 21 | 12:00 PM Join BCC's Lunch and Learn on Zoom for a conversation with Shay Bramson about his efforts against conversion therapy in Israel. Shay Bramson is the chairperson of Havruta, an Israeli organization for religious LGBTQ+ people.Register here
Hollywood Bowl Picnic and Pink Martini Concert Saturday, August 24 | 6:00 PM Join us at the Hollywood Bowl for a picnic and the Pink Martini Concert. The Hollywood Bowl’s favorite globetrotting “little orchestra,” helmed by pianist Thomas Lauderdale, returns to the stage at the start of their 30th anniversary year for big, bold, genre-defying songs that traverse time and geography. Featuring lead singer China Forbes. For more details / Registration
Book Circle: "The Boston Girl" Saturday, September 7 | 3:00 PM | Zoom Led by Dr. Jane Drucker, the next book to be read and discussed is "The Boston Girl" by Anita Diamant. This is an unforgettable novel about family ties and values, friendship and feminism told by a young Jewish woman growing up in Boston in the early twentieth century. Register
Co-Presidents Update Check out the latest blog from our co-Presidents, Rebecca and Leonard. Read about the Board Retreat, our Shabbat Service experience with Rabbi Reznick, and first look towards this year's High Holy Days. Click here to read
Membership Directory If you haven't done so already, please join in on the fun and add yourself to the Membership Directory! That's the best way for our community to keep in touch with each other! Setting up your directory page is a very easy process. You may easily register at
New! Sermon Archive Check out the Sermon blog on Kol Ami's website, now updated with all of Rabbi Reznick's drashot since she started at Kol Ami, including this past Friday night's drash about Moses' last words.
We keep the following members in our healing prayers: Aaron Aronow, Michael Becker, Bryce Linsenmayer, Andrew Ogilvie, Ivan Rosenberg, Richard Ross, Lowell Selvin, Miles Senn,Henry Somerfeld, Steve Weiss, Gib Winebar