Tonight: Annual Congregation Meeting | This Week: Lunch Bag Assembly, Book Circle and MOKA Movie Night!
06/21/2023 04:00:44 PM
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June 21, 2023 * eKoleinu * 2 Tammuz 5783
Need to opt out of auto renewing your membership? Clickhere by Wednesday, June 21, 2023. ____________________________ TONIGHT! Annual Congregation Meeting Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM Hear Peter Mackler's final presidential remarks and cast your vote for our 2023-24 Board and budget.
The meeting will be in-person and only open to members who have paid their yearly dues in full.
Shabbat Service Friday, June 23 at 6:30 PM Rabbi Ross Z. Levy and Piano Accompanist Lisa Edwards for our services in-person at Kol Ami or online on our YouTube channel or on ourtemple website. To purchase a prayerbook, Mishkan Tefillah, available in print or in kindle version click here.
Pride Mitzvah Tzedek Council Lunch Bag Assembly for Hollywood Food Coalition
Saturday, June 24, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM At Congregation Kol Ami
Join the Tzedek Council of Kol Ami as we continue our support of the Hollywood Food Coalition by assembling lunch bags for their Sunday lunch distribution program. We made just over 500 lunch bags to be distributed across LA during our last event in April and we're hoping to keep up those numbers! We'll provide the materials so all we ask is that you show up ready to help support this important cause!
For more information about the Hollywood Food Coalition, visit their website:
Please join temple members Jane Drucker and David Glickman at The Book Circle on June 24th on Zoom at 4:00 PM as we discuss "The Mars Room" by Rachel Kushner.
An instant New York Times bestseller from two-time National Book Award finalist Rachel Kushner, The Mars Room earned tweets from Margaret Atwood—“gritty, empathic, finely rendered, no sugar toppings, and a lot of punches, none of them pulled”—and from Stephen King—“The Mars Room is the real deal, jarring, horrible, compassionate, funny.”
To learn more and where to get the book click here.
Men of Kol Ami (MOKA), Mark Bittenson and Dane Fowler, Event Chairs, invite you to a unique outdoor movie screening of: BRING IT ON!
Saturday, June 24, 2023 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Melrose Rooftop Theatre @ EP & LP Restaurant & Lounge 603 N. La Cienega Blvd @ Melrose. West Hollywood
The movie starts at 8:30 PM. Doors Open at 7:30 PM for dinner or drinks & snacks buying $28.00 Movie Only
Drinks, popcorn, candy, and all food on their menu can be ordered and delivered to your seat.
Celebrate bringing on summer under the stars together with your Kol Ami friends at this fun 2000 comedy movie starring Kirsten Dunst and Gabrielle Union. Bring it on is about two high school cheerleading teams preparing for a national competition.
Bring yourself and a guest or two out and dare to be as campy as you choose! It’s summer! Cut loose, and have a few alcohol or non-alcoholic drinks or nosh. You don’t want to miss this personal bean bag seating/individual headsets outdoor cinema experience of the cult classic Bring It On!
The Men of Kol Ami welcomes self-identified males and non-binary, trans, questioning, and gender non-conforming individuals of ALL ages and non-member guests at our events. A small portion of the ticket price goes to the MOKA Fund to provide “tzedakah” - support of the synagogue and other charitable causes to “tikun olam” to build a better world. REGISTER HERE
This Pride Month, the Central Conference of American Rabbis is lifting up an important community within the Reform rabbinate: the groundbreaking LGTBQ+ rabbis who were amongst the first rabbis to express themselves openly, who paved the way—and often fought for—LGBTQ+ acceptance and inclusion in the Reform rabbinate and in the Jewish community.
5:30 PM: BYO Picnic at Picnic Area 14 7:30 PM: Concert at the Hollywood Bowl Seats are located in section K2.
Featuring performances by Patti LuPone, Sutton Foster, and Sierra Boggess. “There’s a place for us” at the Hollywood Bowl this summer! You’ll be in good “Company” as we watch “Everybody Rise! A Sondheim Celebration” together under the stars. Kol Ami will provide soda and snacks in the picnic area before the concert.
Refuah Shleimah: A Speedy Recovery We keep the following members in our healing prayers: John Altschul, Aaron Aronow, Esther Baum, Michael Becker, Sophie Belzberg, Roberta Bennett, Addie Lelyveld, Keith Rand, Ivan Rosenberg, Richard Ross, Lowell Selvin, Miles Senn, Karen Shanbrom, Phil Starr, Travis Terry, David Wexler, Gib Winebar, Doug Workman