Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Ayala Miron At Lunch n Learn & Friday Shabbat Services! And Much More!
02/15/2023 04:01:39 PM
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February 15, 2023 * eKoleinu * 24 Shevat 5783
Shabbat Services Friday, February 17 at 6:30 PM Join Rabbi Denise L. Eger, Rabbi Ross Z. Levy, Special Guest speaker, Rabbi Ayala Miron from Rabbi of BaVat Ein Rosh Ha'ayin Reform Congregation, and Piano Accompanist Lisa Edwards for our services in-person at Kol Ami or online on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or on thetemple website. To purchase a prayerbook, Mishkan Tefillah, available in print or in kindle version click here.
Queering Purim with Rabbi Denise Eger. A CLGS Jewish Queeries Series Event
Thursday, February 16, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Rabbi Denise Egers’ phenomenal CLGS Jewish Queeries Series presentation on Queering Hanukah generated so much positive feedback that she has agreed to present a mini-series on queering Purim, Pesach, and Shavuot. The first lecture/discussion in this series will feature a queer approach to Purim. Purim is so queer already that it takes an experienced and knowledgeable LGBTQ scholar and rabbi to fully explore its multifacited transgressive history and practices. Learn about traditions such as Esther “coming out” and centuries of Jewish gender bending. In modern times, Purim became a major celebration in LGBTQ synagogue, first for adults and then for queer families. Join in the celebration! Rabbi Denise Eger, an LGBTQ pioneer and leader, will help us unpack the hidden and counter-mainstream aspects of Purim.
Shabbat Service with Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Ayala Miron
Friday, February 17, 2023 6:30 PM
Join us for a special Shabbat with guest speaker Rabbi Ayala Miron.
Rabbi Ayala Miron was born and raised in the northern reaches of Tel Aviv (today Ramat Aviv), to parents of Iraqi origin. She holds a BA from Tel Aviv University and an MA from the UCLA film school. She lived with her family in Los Angeles, where she taught Jewish studies in a Waldorf school. Coming back to Israel, Rabbi Miron joined the education and research department of the Babylonian Jewish Heritage Museum, and created two short documentaries unfolding the story of the Iraqi Jewish Diaspora. In November 2005 she completed her studies at Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem, where she was ordained as a Rabbi. She is the founding rabbi of kehilat Bavat Ayin in Rosh HaAyin, a thriving Kehila of the Israeli Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) founded in September 2004. She also teaches first-year rabbinical students at HUC Jerusalem. Rabbi Miron lives with her husband Avi in the Sharon area in Israel, and they have three sons.
A Monthly Morning Torah Study. Join our monthly Torah study group exploring the weekly portions alongside the traditional Haftarah readings, the prophetic passages that pair with our annual cycle of sacred study. Join us to learn, connect, and engage with the words of our Hebrew prophets alongside Torah itself! No experience required.
Our ongoing HIV+ Support Group known as the Kol Amigos. Facilitated by Rabbi Eger, this confidential group is open only to those with HIV/AIDS. REGISTER HERE
Join Rabbi Levy for this special 4-week mini-course introducing us to the wide world of midrash, collections of ancient teachings, and reflections on the Hebrew Bible. This class will begin by discussing what midrash is: what it is, where it comes from, and how it impacts the way Jews have read sacred texts for centuries. We'll then dive into more well-known texts from midrash with a special focus on Genesis Rabbah, the collection of teachings around the book of Genesis. All levels of Jewish learning are welcome! REGISTER HERE
“Turn an ordinary Friday night into something extraordinary!” On Friday night, March 3, 2023, hundreds of synagogues across the continent will participate in a historic national Jewish event to celebrate what unifies all Jews — Shabbat! Everyone is invited… singles, couples, families — all ages.
That’s the magic of Shabbat Across America and Shabbat Across Canada. By participating in this continent-wide event, you will not only have the opportunity to experience Shabbat, but you will be sharing your experience with tens of thousands of Jews across North America.
No matter what your affiliation or which Shabbat Across America or Shabbat Across Canada location you choose to attend, NJOP’s annual Shabbat program will give you a “taste” of Shabbat. Explanatory services, traditional rituals, delicious meals, and lively discussions are all important components of the Shabbat experience, as well as the opportunity to spend the evening with like-minded people.
Shabbat Across America or Shabbat Across Canada is for every Jew, and those who are unable to go to a registered location can participate in their own homes or in gatherings with friends and family.
Celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Cohen-Jordan, son of Mark Cohen and Tim Jordan.
Shabbat Awakening will be led by Rabbi Eger, Rabbi Levy and, Student Rabbi Frankie Salzman in person or on the livestream on Facebook, YouTube, and the Kol Ami website!
Grab your best beachwear and get ready to go "Surfin' USA" with Congregation Kol Ami this Purim with our Beach Boys Purim Celebration! We'll come together for a fun evening filled with the music of the Beach Boys and a special retelling of the Purim story along with a megillah reading by our community members. Bring your sunglasses and get ready to kick back and enjoy some "Good Vibrations"!
There will be $20 per person dinner from Al Basch. Please register by Thursday, March 2nd at noon. REGISTER HERE
We hope you'll join Rabbi Levy for the next installment of his series of adult education classes focusing on the five different megillot (scrolls) that are read over the course of the Jewish holiday calendar. Naturally, the book of Esther is read on Purim since it describes the founding of this holiday, but there are many aspects of this book we don't often explore amidst the joy and celebration. This class will give an overview of the book of Esther, its particular quirks, and how it has been interpreted over the ages.
Tzedek Council Lunch Bag Assembly for Hollywood Food Coalition
Saturday, March 11, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Join the Tzedek Council of Kol Ami as we continue our support of the Hollywood Food Coalition by assembling lunch bags for their Sunday lunch distribution program.
We made just over 500 lunch bags to be distributed across LA during our last event in January and we're hoping to keep up those numbers! We'll provide the materials so all we ask as that you show up ready to help support this important cause!
Join Student Rabbi Frankie Salzman for a two-session exploration of gender.
In what ways did the early rabbis understand gender? What rabbinic stories challenge the idea of gender being binary? How do contemporary Jewish thinkers approach the topic of gender? Discuss these questions and investigate your own relationship to gender using Judaism as a guide.
This is open to everyone interested in learning, reflecting, and growing.
Shabbat Scholar in Residence Dr. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal with Lunch
Saturday, April 1, 2023 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Dr. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal is a scholar of rabbinic Judaism. Her work focuses on aspects of Jewish-Christian interactions in the ancient world, and compares early Christian and rabbinic sources. She is a faculty member at the Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and she was an elected member of the Israel Young Academy of Sciences. During the 2022-2023 academic year, she is the Horace Goldsmith Visiting Professor in Judaic Studies at Yale University. Her first book is Early Christian Monastic Literature and the Babylonian Talmud (Cambridge University Press, 2013; winner of the 2014 Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award). Her second book is Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretic Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud (Cambridge University Press, 2019; finalist, National Jewish Book Award, 2019).
Lunch is $20 per person. Please register by Thursday, March 30th at noon. REGISTER HERE
Special exhibit: Auschwitz: Not Long Ago and Not Far Away
Sunday, April 16, 2023 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
In observance of Yom HaShoa, join Rabbi Eger and Rabbi Levy for a visit to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library to see the special exhibit: Auschwitz: Not Long Ago and Not Far Away. The only West Coast exhibit of its kind. For the first time in history, this Auschwitz exhibition, co-produced by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and Spanish company Musealia, is traveling to the Reagan Library to show an extraordinary collection of more than 700 original artifacts of inestimable historic and human value, that bears direct witness to one of the darkest chapters of humankind.
Kol Ami has reserved 18 tickets for Sunday, April 16, 2023, at 1:00 PM. The price of the ticket is a special group rate of $28 a person. This price includes the special audio headset. REGISTER HERE
Congregation Kol Ami has adopted a Code of Ethics as a holy, respectful, mindful and safe way of interacting with one another. We join with other Reform Jewish communities dedicated to creating safe and sacred spaces. The Code of Ethics was created by a working Task force of our Board of Trustees, adopted by our Board and subsequently adopted by the congregation at our Annual meeting in June, 2022. You can view the Code of Ethics on our website at here.
Refuah Shleimah: A Speedy Recovery We keep the following members in our healing prayers: John Altschul, Dr. Aaron Aronow, Heidi Kebbas, Addie Lelyveld, Cantor Patti Linksy, Peter Mackler, Keith Rand, Ivan Rosenberg, Richard Ross, Lowell Selvin, Miles Senn, Karen Shanbrom
Kol Ami requires proof of vaccination including at least one booster for all events for all those eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine. If you are not yet eligible for a booster, you must provide proof a negative test within 24 hrs of the event. While masks are optional at indoor events the Los Angeles County Health Department strongly recommends that you wear a mask indoors. At Kol Ami we are mindful that there are many people who are immune compromised and as an act of loving kindness (Chesed) and compassion (Rachamim) we recommend you wear a mask except when eating or drinking indoors.
To learn more about Kol Ami's COVID-safety policy please click here.