eKoleinu Weekly: The Last Shabbat Before Rosh Hashanah
09/25/2024 03:55:35 PM
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September 25, 2024 | eKoleinu | 23 Elul 5784
Dear Kol Ami and Friends,
What an incredible week we had last week. I want to thank Wendy Goldman for putting together an incredible West Hollywood Community Forum for the Candidates running for the West Hollywood City Council. I also want to thank our own Patrick Auerbach for moderating the event with such class and poise. We are grateful to be a part of the West Hollywood Community. We hope that this event helped our community to make informed decisions about who they will be voting for in November.
We have so many exciting new opportunities happening in the coming weeks. On Shabbat Shuva (The Shabbat In-between Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur) we are having our first ever Shabbos Tish on our roof deck. A tish is a gathering around the Shabbat or holiday table that includes songs, niggunim (songs without words) and stories and teachings from the Rabbi and Cantor. I will be leading our first ever Kol Ami Shabbat Tish with Nancy Cohen on Shabbat Shuva, Friday October 4 starting at 7:05pm. Reservations are required to attend this, please bring a side dish or dessert to share. We look forward to creating new memories and uplifting one another with joy during this Holy season.
Please register for the holidays, and don't forget to renew your Kol Ami membership so you can be part of the many exciting opportunities that this Holy Day season brings us.
With gratitude,
Rabbi Lindy Reznick
Senior Rabbi, Congregation Kol Ami.
Shabbat Service Friday, September 27 | 7:05 PM Join Rabbi Reznick, Dr. Nancy Cohen, Rabbinic Intern CJ Mays, Joshua Finkel and piano accompanist David Kaminski in-person at Kol Ami or online on our YouTube channelor on our temple website. Purchase a prayerbook, Mishkan Tefillah, available inprint or inkindle versions.
Hineni ("Here I Am") High Holy Days 5785 with Congregation Kol Ami
Saturday, September 28 at 7pm - Selichot (Kol Ami - in person) Wednesday, October 2 at 7:30pm -Erev Rosh Hashanah (in person and online) Thursday, October 3 at 10am - Rosh Hashanah (In person and online)
Friday, October 4 at 7:05pm - Shabbat Shuva (in-person only) Saturday, October 5 at 10:30am - Tashlich at the Beach (Will Rogers State Beach, Malibu)
Friday, October 11 at 7:30pm - Kol Nidre Saturday, October 12, 10:00am-6:00pm - Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm -Sukkot Service/Dinner
Elul Prep Class Wednesday, September 25 | 7:00 PM | Zoom Enter the High Holy Days prepared to do the work of renewal, teshuva, and transformation! Rabbi Reznick will be teaching a 4 week online Elul class, starting Wednesday Sept 4th at 7pm. In our first class, we will learn and celebrate entering the month of Elul. We will be studying texts that help us prepare our hearts and souls for the holiday season. Register and sign up for this unique learning experience. We look forward to learning together! Click here to sign up
Selichot Service Saturday, September 28 | 7:00 PM Join Rabbi Reznick, student Rabbi CJ Mays and musician Avishai Sol for Selichot service at Kol Ami. Selichot services are intended to guide us toward an examination of our lives and to undergo teshuvah. Learn more / Register >
In Memory and In Hope Sunday, September 29 | 10:00 AM | Zoom Join the Reform Movement around the world as we come together to commemorate one year since October 7th, 2023. Through shared stories, inspiring messages, and communal ritual, we will honor the experiences of the past year and set our intentions for the future. Sign Up (select Congregation Kol Ami in West Hollywood as your congregation affiliation)
Nova Exhibition in LA Sunday, September 29 | 1:00 PM Please join Rabbi Reznick for a tour at the Nova Exhibition in Culver City. The Rabbi would love to experience this exhibition with members of the community. The Nova Exhibition is an in-depth remembrance of the brutal massacre at The Nova Music Festival on October 7th. The installation sets out to recreate a festival dedicated to peace and love that was savagely cut short by a terrorist attack on that fateful day. The attack at The Nova Music Festival was the largest massacre in music history. Please buy your ticket for the tour on the Nova Exhibition website.Click here to buy Tickets
High Holy Day Bootcamp with Dr. Nancy Cohen Friday, October 4 | 6:00 PM Cantor Nancy Cohen's second installment of the class, teaching about High Holy Days customs, traditions and heritage. Join us in-person at Kol Ami or click here to sign up to watch online.
Friday, October 4 | 7:05 PM Shabbat Shuva is the sacred shabbat in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Rabbi Reznick leads a Shabbos Tisch on the rooftop deck at Kol Ami. The word "tisch" is Yiddish for "table." The 'Shabbos Tisch' is special gathering around a table with light food, listening to D'vrei Torah, Nigunim and other storytelling. Registration for this event is mandatory. Learn more / RSVP
A Talk With Shai De Luca Wednesday, October 9 | 7:00 PM Long before the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023 Interior Designer and TV personality Shai DeLuca was a tireless supporter, educator and advocate using his platform to combat Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism around the world. Since the attacks, many of our community members ask ‘what can we do?’ Join us for an inspiring conversation with Shai about the far greater importance that these forms of advocacy represent. More Information
We keep the following members in our healing prayers: Aaron Aronow, Michael Becker, Bryce Linsenmayer, Andrew Ogilvie, Ivan Rosenberg, Richard Ross, Lowell Selvin, Miles Senn,Henry Somerfeld, Steve Weiss, Gib Winebar