eKoleinu Weekly: Rabbi Lindy Reznick's First Shabbat Service With Us This Friday
07/03/2024 04:24:32 PM
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July 3, 2024 | eKoleinu | 27 Sivan 5784
Dear Kol Ami,
I am beyond humbled & honored to begin my position as your Senior Rabbi. I am grateful for the rabbinic search committee and temple board who worked hard to make this moment a reality! I want to thank you for entrusting your hearts and spiritual home to my care. I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I invite you to set up a one on one meeting with me so I can begin the sacred work of caring for you all. Please come meet me at Shabbat and invite a friend to join us. Join us for a learning experience, help host an oneg, volunteer your time, and delight in Kol Ami. I know that together we will build a vibrant, compassionate, caring and deeply spiritual home for Kol Ami. In times like these it is appropriate to pause and say, Thank you, Ruach Ha Olam (Spirit of the Universe) who has brought us to this moment. I offer the words of the Shecheyanu, Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech HaOlam, Shecheyanu, V’kiyamanu, V’higiyanu, lazman hazeh!
B’ahavah (with Love)
Rabbi Lindy Reznick
Shabbat Service Rabbi Reznick's First Service with Kol Ami Friday, July 5 | 7:05 PM We are excited to welcome Rabbi Lindy Reznick as our new Senior Rabbi, and this Friday she leads shabbat service at Congregation Kol Ami for the first time. Join Rabbi Reznick and piano accompanist David Kaminski in-person at Kol Ami or online on our YouTube channelor on our temple website. Purchase a prayerbook, Mishkan Tefillah, available inprint or inkindle versions.
Open Yad Shabbat Schmooze Friday, July 12 | 8:45 PM Please join us with other young adults in our 20s and 30s for a casual Shabbat Schmooze after services at Leonard and Evin’s home in West Hollywood. For more details and to RSVP
Lunch Bag Assembly for Hollywood Food Coalition Saturday, July 13 | 12:00 PM Join the Tzedek Council of Kol Ami as we continue our support of the Hollywood Food Coalition by assembling lunch bags for their Sunday lunch distribution program.More information / Registration
Book Circle: "The Ritual Bath" Saturday, July 27 | 3:00 PM Dr. Jane Drucker will host a discussion on "The Ritual Bath" by Faye Kellerman. The book centers around an LA detective and a highly religious Jewish woman and the investigation of a horrific crime within an ultra orthodox religious community.Register Here
Hollywood Bowl Picnic and Pink Martini Concert Saturday, August 24 | 6:00 PM Join us at the Hollywood Bowl for a picnic and the Pink Martini Concert. The Hollywood Bowl’s favorite globetrotting “little orchestra,” helmed by pianist Thomas Lauderdale, returns to the stage at the start of their 30th anniversary year for big, bold, genre-defying songs that traverse time and geography. Featuring lead singer China Forbes. For more details / Registration
We keep the following members in our healing prayers: Aaron Aronow, Michael Becker, Larry Block, Ryan Jordan-Cohen, Ivan Rosenberg, Richard Ross, Lowell Selvin, Miles Senn,