May it be Your will, Eternal One, our God, and God of our ancestors,
Guardian of Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel,
Comforter of Hagar, Bilhah, and Zilpah,
Supporter of Shifrah, Puah, Tzippora, Hannah, and Ruth, and countless others whose names have been lost,
That Your limitless strength and compassion extend to all those who nurture, raise, and guide us as mothers throughout the many stages of our lives.
On this Mother’s Day, may You grant them patience, insight, wisdom, and a generous spirit balanced with an attunement to their own needs.
May they know that though they are not perfect, they are enough, and worthy of love, respect and admiration.
May those who have lost children find healing and consolation.
May those who feel the loss of their maternal figures more deeply on this day find comfort in Your embrace.
Give strength to those who have struggled on their journey to motherhood, and guidance to those considering if it is right for them.
We are forever grateful to You, Divine Mother, for the breath of life that flows through us.
B’ruchah at Havayah m’chayah hakol
Blessed are You, Eternal One, Source of all life. |